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A platform that makes it easy to invest in Nickel, Coal, Shipping and Copper Companies, both short term and long term.

About Auto Income

About Auto Income

Auto Income is a Digital Platform in the Investment field that makes it easy for Investors to invest in Nickel, Coal, Shipping and Copper Companies, both short term and long term.

Currently Auto Income is the Best Investment Platform that offers very attractive benefits when viewed from the nominal investment offered by the Auto Income platform.

Auto Income is the only investment that is very safe and minimal risk, it can even be said without any risk with a profit sharing system and a period of time that has been determined by the Auto Income platform.

Coal as a long-term investment

From the past until now, coal stock investment is one of the most popular types of investment and also provides the most profit. Even though it is at a fairly high purchase price, it does not reduce the number of enthusiasts.

At this time, a number of companies that mine and sell coal have become listed companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. In other words, the public can become shareholders of these companies.

About Auto Income
About Auto Income

Nickel Investment Opportunities as Raw Material for Electric Car Batteries

Indonesia has 30% of the world's nickel reserves, which are 21 million tons. The world has acknowledged that Indonesia is the largest nickel producer. With these advantages we can take advantage of the advantages we have for investment. abroad. nickel benefits are also very useful. factories could use nickel to make coins and so on. only later in the coming year, the vehicle will switch to electricity, it will trigger investors to use nickel as the basic material.

The number of cars is targeted to reach 400,000 units by 2025, then increase by 5.7 million units in 2035. The nickel material that will be used will certainly be large and the income will not be major. In December 2021, the world nickel price was recorded to have reached 19,612.5 US dollars. or around Rp. 274.5 million per ton. in 2021 alone, there will be many foreign countries that will invest by utilizing the nickel.

Shipbuilding is a Promising Industry Choice in the Future

The shipbuilding industry is one of the strategic sectors and has a vital role for the economy. The shipbuilding industry is considered to have high competitiveness because it is able to produce quality products. This is inseparable from the ability of human resources and the use of modern technology. Investment in the national shipbuilding industry is estimated to reach Rp 30 trillion next year, following the release of incentives by the government.

Currently, the national shipbuilding industry only provides 10% of the total domestic ship demand of 1,000 units per year. Therefore, the investment climate is an absolute requirement that becomes a concern so that the operational continuity and productivity of the shipping industry sector can be optimized. The ship industry is categorized as an industrial strategy and is a future industry that has bright prospects, because that is an option that can be considered for developing investment.

About Auto Income
About Auto Income

Copper as a power plant in the future

Copper is very useful to invest because copper can generate electricity well for us humans, why? let's take just one example, copper can generate electricity and the electricity will be used for humans. Almost all household appliances, especially those related to electricity, display labels made of copper. Because this metal is very reliable used for conducting electricity. In addition to being a conductor of electricity, it can also be used as jewelry.

It can be said that the benefits of copper are most popularly used in the manufacture of goods related to electricity and heat. That is an example of the benefits and advantages of copper. What about the price of copper? On several online buying and selling sites, this peeled copper is now sold at a price of around Rp. 105,000 to Rp. 120,000 per kg, up from the previous year, which was offered at Rp. 81 thousand to Rp. 85 thousand per kg. Meanwhile, for unpeeled copper, the price is much cheaper, an average of Rp. for the company.

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Mon to Fri 9:00am to 5:00pm